Austin Healey Colorado Red

The PPG Colorado Red paint formula listed below was mixed as an exact match to a laquer based paint formula taken directly from a PPG paint book printed during the late 1960's. This formula is for PPG Delstar polyurethane paint that I had mixed for use on my 1957 Austin-Healey BN4.

As a verification/comparison, it is an exact match to the Colorado Red color samples provided by Don Pikovnik in his book titled "Austin-Healey Guide to Historic Colors"

Some people have commented that the sample in Don Pikovnik's book did not match their account of what the "proper" Colorado Red color should look like, but from my understanding, this color varied quite a bit throughout the production years. Some having more yellow (orange tint) and others having more white (more red).

I once spoke with Tom Kovacs at Fourintune about this color, and he told me that from what he has observed over the years, the earlier cars tended to have more yellow in the color than the later cars. Since this formula was taken from a book printed during the later years, this may account for this version being more red than orange. Since I prefer the red over the orange, I am very happy with this version.

Note: The year span listed below is what was printed in the paint book.

1957-69 Austin-Healey
DAR 71038K
Colorado Red
#1 label / MSDS

Quart Scale
DMR 400 - 30.0
DMR 451 - 216.0
DMR 478 - 561.0
DXR 495 - 581.0
DXR 499 - 1020.5

1957-69 Austin-Healey
DAR 71038K
Colorado Red
#1 label / MSDS

Gallon Scale
DMR 400 - 120.0
DMR 451 - 864.0
DMR 478 - 2244.0
DXR 495 - 2324.0
DXR 499 - 4082.0

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�2003 ~ British Car Week